30 Best Startup Videos Of All Time

Best startup videos


Are you looking for the best startup videos for inspiration on your next video project? Over the years, there has been a surge in the popularity of startup videos in the corporate sector. For many marketers, it has evolved into a tool for enhancing their marketing approach.

What is a startup video?

A startup video is a brief presentation of a business idea in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner. It uses simple text, attractive graphics, and engaging animations to instantly capture the viewer’s attention. 

A startup video is both informative and educational. It communicates what the company does, how it assists clients in resolving their issues, and why they are the best vendor in the market to resolve the clients’ issues

If you have a new business, a startup video is a great way for you to introduce yourself to the market, and position yourself as an expert, by showing your potential customers how you will solve their problems and why you are the best fit to do so and not the competitors.

While other types of production videos, such as animated explainer videos, demo videos, educational videos, training videos, and so on, are used to introduce and explain a product or service, startup explainer videos go a step further by drawing your audience’s attention to your brand.

Examples of Startup videos

We have taken time to carefully sort out the best 30 startups videos of all time to inspire you to create your own engaging and converting startup video.

Note that these video examples are not arranged in order of hierarchy and each of them has a unique style that makes them stand out, yet there is a lot we can learn from them.

Ready to delve in? Okay, let’s kickoff.

1. TestBox

Not many organizations understand the vital parts of what makes an incredible startup video. This classic animated startup video employs storytelling to emphasize how it will solve the problems of its customers by helping them reclaim the purchasing process and boosting their confidence in their decision.

2. Be My Eyes

Be My Eyes uses a live video connection to connect the blind with the sighted. The video depicts how blind people are no different from everyone else when it comes to performing music, going to school, and working. It then shows some blind persons who are having difficulty at various points throughout the day, and how they can use their phone to connect to a sighted person who guides them through their video connection. Simultaneously, it demonstrates how simple it is for a sighted person to assist and how much they contribute to society when they respond to a request on the app, producing an emotional appeal for the viewer. 

3. Instacart

This is one of the app videos out there that’s really popular. This video is charming, colorful, and with over 7 million views. The voice overall also does well to draw you in. This startup app video claims to help its users do all the grocery shopping for them, shop from their favorite stores, and get their groceries delivered to their door in as little as one hour. 

4. Patreon

Patreon paved the way for passionate and independent artists to collect funds from the people they want to entertain. The video highlights the emotional sentiment of artists and entrepreneurs. Today, Patreon accounts have become a fundamental starting point for new artists. 

5. Interact flashcard

With a one-of-a-kind principal character in the form of a wallet and some noteworthy liveliness, this animated video promptly catches the audience’s eye while explaining a new service to its viewers.

6. Spotify

Everyone knows about Spotify, right?  Well, when they started in the US they had an interesting video of an animated sketched character drumming which drew in and sucked its views. It was a top video then and an interesting one! Who doesn’t like an exciting sound? No one, or maybe a sadist.

7. Notarize

Startup video doesn’t have to be animated explainers, motion graphics, or whiteboard animation. Sometimes, live-action videos can do a really great job. Notarize, the first on-demand remote electronic notary service, allows anyone to legally notarize a document from their phone, laptop, or tablet 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Notarize employs a funny live-action video of an awkward yet funny guy to narrate what Notarize is about and what it is used for. 

8. Dollar Shave Club

With many startup explainer videos out there, the dollar shave club is considered the Godfather of startup videos, due to the enormous popularity it received within 48  hours of its release. This is as a result of dispatching the organization from lack of clarity to a mind-blowing phenomenon. Its offbeat strategies for advancement landed well with its ideal interest group. Plus the way the actor explains what they do is effortless.

9. PooPourri

This startup explainer video is hilarious and it uses it well to engage its audience. It makes use of our not so glorious moment ( pooing) by showing a posh lady talking about pooping with more than 40 million perspectives, the PooPourri startup video is a legend. It is recorded to be one of the most seen startup videos of all time.

10. Final

This startup video is direct, clear, and engaging. Final eliminates the inconvenience of having a single debit or credit card number by producing a fresh, unique card number for wherever or whenever you wish to use it, and these numbers may be kept on all of your smart devices, not just your wallet. The video depicts a man who is simply fed up with being scammed. He is relaxing at home and using sarcasm to express his annoyance — as well as his happiness with the Final app. It shows him using the app while preparing food, showing how easy it is to use and how much easier it makes his life.

11. Square stand

Square stand cleverly shows us the contrast between the old and new cash registers, highlighting the future of cash registers to grab its audience’s attention.

12. Cash out

One of the best short videos out there. This video condenses the daily business activities in a minute. Cash-out proves to us that the story truly works. It uses the story technique to hook its viewers. It tells us the story of how an average business owner runs his coffee shop daily. The story helps to engage its audience.

13. Wanna nail

This startup is about using AR to paint your nails in different colors, using an app to do so. it compels its viewers with its aesthetics, scenery, and actress brilliance, making the video production a success. It is worth considering when creating your video.

14. Gogoro

This is another well-thought-out video production. It is clean, professional, and literally takes you on a ride. In fact, quality time must have been invested in the video production process. You can’t help but be mesmerized. The entire video from the music, lighting, and the way the rider rides the scooter were all in tune. This will be more than enough to instigate prospects to want to buy.

15. Airbnb

This 2d animation startup video tells the story of Cathrine, an Airbnb guest, who took a journey to Berlin with her father, Jörg, who was a Berlin Wall guard during the Cold War. She intended to show him what a dynamic city Berlin had become, but it was the man they met at their Airbnb flat who transformed Jörg’s life. Airbnb uses this video to show its audience how easy for people in search of a place or room to easily rent and for those with a spare room to make some quick cash. 

16. Speedify

We are aware of the usefulness of VPN, but the way speedify’s video portrays it is so smooth and informative that its audience can’t ignore it. It makes use of simple question and answer techniques and answers the questions impressively. 

17. Near Lock

Use your iPhone to lock and unlock your Mac automatically. When you walk away from your Mac, it will be automatically locked. Once you approach your workplace, Near Lock will unlock your Mac. In this video, Near Lock’s founder introduces himself and his sister, who enjoys playing pranks on him when he leaves his laptop alone. The video shows his sister messing around with his computer when he gets up for a few minutes, and then demonstrates how, using Near Lock, he can get up and leave, and his computer will automatically lock, and when he returns, it will log him back in.

18. Slack

They cleverly tell their story in a way that propels you to grab your phone and download the application now, regardless of whether you work in a team. This is the power of a good startup video. 

19. Qork

Qork enables you to share what’s going on in your location in a matter of seconds, allowing people to learn what’s going on in their neighborhood at any time and from any location. It’s similar to a social network for local events.

Their startup demo video has no language, just individuals utilizing the app to find people doing amazing things in their neighborhoods and having fun together. This contributes to the app’s ease of use.

20. Hudway drive

Here is an example of one of the best startup demo videos. This startup video of the Hudway drive Cast app doesn’t make use of voiceover altogether and focuses on live-action. It combines graphical and textual information to convey the message to the audience.  The app helps drivers navigate dangerous road paths and even informs them about possible upcoming roadblocks. In essence, it ensures and regulates the safety of drivers that perform unsafe tasks such as texting.

21. Yova

Yova’s startup explainer video appeals to small businesses to compete against big retailers in terms of setting low prices. The straightforward script engages the audience and the quality video makes them enjoy it. The realistic solution-oriented quality and style of the video make a great first impression. In addition, it also adds different simple CTAs.

22. Etsy Plus

On the other hand, it’s a startup video made by planners and focused on fashioners. Etsy Plus gives users access to advanced features to help them express their unique brand, stand out from the crowd, and take their business to the next level. The exceptional nature of the video is sufficient to borrow your time. From faultless smooth advances, object movement to alluring color combinations. Additionally, the credibility of the video is sharp and engaging. 

23. FiftyThree

The video ad for FiftyThree’s pencil-shaped mobile stylus relies solely on music and pictures to convey its message. Until the very end, the viewer learns everything about the product’s functionality without using any words. That’s when a strong, straightforward tagline appears on screen: “Think with your hands.” Businesses today would do well to emulate this example by developing a strong brand message and emphasizing it above all else. 

24. Active building

A startup that uses Zombies dancing to thriller beats to explain project management.  This is quite creative, right? Of course, it is! And Mr. Williams’ voice reminds you of villain’s cartoons that try to be scary, but…not quite scary to us. If you know what I mean. 

25. Nextdoor

Nextdoor is a private social network for people living in the same area. Neighbors and community members can talk online about things that matter to them. Content shared by users is kept safe. You can access this service either through their mobile app or through their website.

Nextdoor’s startup explainer video is a flawless example of simplicity. The video uses simple line illustrations. In addition, the animation is extremely simple and smooth. The script and storyboard are fairly easy to understand. Its minimalist and interesting design make it one of our favorites.

This video can be a perfect inspiration if you want to create a simple startup video for your mobile app or website.

26. Warby parker

Getting a good deal is a simple pleasure in life. It is practically never-ending. Getting a good deal on a candy bar at the age of eight feels just as fantastic as finding a New York Times bestseller historical history on sale at the age of eighty. It’s just another one of those things. The creativeness of the video scripting shines through here. There were few effects, yet the video was still very much engaging, so if you can get a good script for your startup video it will help you a lot.

27. Aitarget for Snapchat

Airarget for Snapchat is an explanatory video on how to advertise using snap chat. They made use of their color combination yellow as the video setup with a raspy voiceover that draws the viewer to listen. 

28. Skillshare

Guess what, you’re creative. We all are. Every human on the face of the Earth. Whether you’re a dabbler or a pro, a hobbyist or a master, you can take that creativity each and every one of us was born with, and do amazing things with it. So go ahead and set it free, explore it, express it, and share it. Skillshare takes the inspirational technique approach to create a startup video with scenes that describe it. It gets to its audience emotionally. 

29. Trendy Butler 

An app that teaches you how to style for any occasion and delivers trendy clothes to your doorstep. The startup video presents the idea with sleek animation and different colors that added to its aesthetic. 

30. Better farming practice

Arousing and magnificent storytelling video that educates viewers on the extinction of the Wood Turtle in Nova Scotia and how important they are. It is a narrating video, which runs you through the Wood Turtles’ natural surroundings, how they mate, and how ranchers can secure them, as legally necessary. This isn’t a “startup” video, yet it is an extremely imaginative way of showing individuals an issue and rousing them to help. Imagine how you can use this for your startup video. It will be inspirational right? Go ahead and try it out then. 

7 tips for creating an effective and successful startup explainer video. 

Below are a few tips that will help you create an effective startup video for your business.

1. Keep it simple:

Your startup video should be short and simple. The average human attention span has decreased from twelve seconds to eight seconds (Statistic Brain).

This means that in today’s digital world, you have less than eight seconds to grab and keep your customers’ attention. The shorter your startup video, the higher the audience retention rate. 

To get the most out of your startup explainer video, your video length should be between 1 and 2 minutes.

2. Create a good video script:

Creating an effective startup video begins with a good explainer video script. The script is the foundation of your video production. Once you’ve properly structured your video script, you’re halfway to creating a successful startup video.

Good video scripts focus on 4 simple things. Below is a good structure of a 60-second explainer video script.

  1. The Problem – This section addresses the problems or complaints your customers are having (0:00 – 0:20 seconds)
  2. The Solution – Here you present your product or service as a solution (0:20 – 0:25 seconds).
  3. How it works – Briefly describe how your product or service works (0:25 – 0:50 seconds)
  4. Call to action or CTA – Tell people what you want them to do next after watching your video (0:50 – 0:60 seconds)

3. Know your target customers

Growth hacking is particularly prevalent with startups but your success really depends on knowing who your audience is and using the right tool (in this case “startup video”) to approach them. 

One unique thing about the startup video examples above is that they clearly understand who their target customers are. To determine what message you want to deliver, you first need to know who your viewers are and what they’re interested in. 

You should also know which segment of your viewers you want to target. If you don’t know who your target audience is, it will be very difficult to build a relationship with them. 

So, before you start creating your startup explainer video, it’s important to understand who your audience is, what they want, and what problems you can help them with.

4. Use your brand’s color palette

Using your company’s color is not only restricted to corporate videos and branded videos. Make sure your brand’s color palette is represented in your startup video. 

Having your brand color in your video makes it stand out from other brands. By designing and illustrating your video with your brand’s color palette, you can increase brand awareness from the first second of your video to the end of your video. 

If you help people recognize your business by the color of your business, they will remember it too. Check out the video examples above to see how they implement their brand’s color palette in their video.

5. Use a professional voiceover artist

If you want your startup video to stand out, you should definitely invest in a professional voiceover artist. 

Sometimes a start-up company decides not to hire a professional voiceover artist for financial reasons. However, they end up with videos that lack emotion. 

Startup videos with a professional voiceover are better than those without. Investing in professional voiceover is a necessity. If you need a professional voiceover artist for your video, there are many options, but a good place to start is here.

6) Add a call to action (CTA)

The call to action is the last part of your video. In fact, the main goal of creating a startup video is to get your audience to take the action specified in your “CTA.”

The rest of the video is simply there to support the “call to action“.

The CTA is the action you want your audience to take after watching your explainer video.

Call-to-action should have clear instructions, such as:

  • Visit our website to learn more
  • Call us at 000-0000-0000
  • Visit our office at…
  • Try our app for free

Check out the sample videos above to see their different call to action.

7. Hire a professional explainer video agency

Your startup video not only explains your product or service but also represents your brand and should therefore look professional. A low-quality video is a sign that you don’t take your business seriously. This gives your potential customers the idea that your company is untrustworthy.

To get a professional startup video, always contact an explainer video company for assistance. If you need help finding the right explainer video agency, contact our team today. We are happy to help you with your video project. 


By now you already know how startup video helps to connect businesses with their prospects and ultimately increase ROI, so if you also want to put your business out there, you have got to make a killer startup video production that your prospects and investors can’t ignore. Hopefully, the above-listed best startup videos of all time should help inspire your creative juices.

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About The Author

Nicholas Anderson

Nicholas Anderson

Nicholas Anderson is a versatile and talented animator and content writer who brings his vivid imagination to life through his captivating work. With over a decade of experience in the creative industry, Nicholas has honed his skills in 2D and 3D animation, as well as character and story development. His keen eye for detail and exceptional storytelling abilities make him a sought-after animator in the field. Nicholas holds a Bachelor's degree in Animation and a Master's degree in Creative Writing, which have equipped him with the perfect blend of artistic and literary skills. When he's not working on his next animation project or crafting compelling content, Nicholas enjoys traveling, photography, and immersing himself in the world of cinema.

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